About the Private Activity Bonds Allocation Pools

The regional affordable housing allocation pool within the affordable housing allocation pool is available annually from January 1 through May 31 to grant Confirmations to local housing finance authorities (HFAs) to use for the issuance of affordable housing bonds. The regional affordable housing allocation pool is comprised of 14 single- and multi-county regions, as shown on the map below, with volume cap distributed among the regions proportionally to their share of the state population.

The Division issues Confirmations from the regions on first-come, first-served basis.

Issuers may only request an allocation of state volume cap from the region in which they are located and the project is located within.

Florida PAB Regions Map
Click the map to see a larger image of the counties per region

The Statewide Affordable Housing Allocation Pool is available annually from June 1 through September 30 to grant Confirmations to HFAs to use for the issuance of affordable housing bonds using any state volume cap remaining following the dissolution of the Regional Affordable Housing Allocation Pool on May 31. The Division will first use state volume cap to issue Confirmations for pending requests for allocation for multifamily affordable housing bonds and then single-family affordable housing bonds, pursuant to the procedures in Section 159.8052(4)(b), Florida Statutes, and thereafter, subject to availability, to issue Confirmations for affordable housing bonds to Issuers across the state on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Florida Housing Finance Corporation Pool is available from January 1 through September 30 for the Division to issue Confirmations for affordable housing bonds to FHFC and its assigns.

The Economic Development Allocation Pool is available from January 1 through May 31 for the Division to issue Confirmations for all private activity bonds other than affordable housing bonds (e.g., exempt facility bonds, small issue bonds, student loan bonds, and redevelopment bonds as defined in Section 159.8031, Florida Statutes) to Issuers across the state in the priority order established by the Secretary of Commerce, and from June 1 through September 30 for the Division to issue Confirmations for such types of private activity bonds to Issuers across the state on a first-come, first-served basis.

The State Allocation Pool is available from October 1 through November 30 for the Division to issue Confirmations for all private activity bonds to Issuers across the state on a first-come, first-served basis, using any state volume cap remaining following the dissolution of the Statewide Affordable Housing Allocation Pool, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation Pool, and the Economic Development Allocation Pool.

The Carryforward Allocation Pool is available for the Division to issue Carryforward Confirmations on the first business day after December 15 of each year, for requests received from December 1 through December 15 (or, if December 15 is not a business day, the last business day before December 15), subject to availability, using any state volume cap remaining following the dissolution of the State Allocation Pool.

Florida Regions Map Full Size